Saturday, May 15, 2010

DBSM Mud Fest Volleyball Tournament

IMG_5546, originally uploaded by LukeT123.

Today was the first annual Mud Fest Volleyball Tournament put on by the Denton Bible Student Ministries team in conjunction with the Denton Area FCA. It was awesome!!! Keri reffed most of the games so I had kid duty. I loaded Trip in the backpack carrier and Joss has so many friends at DBSM now that I was able to get a few pics. Some of them turned out really well. This is one of my favorites. Look at all the mud and water splashing. I was able to catch this student mid-air as he leaped onto the dog pile! (click on the picture to view more pics from the event)

This was a really exciting event. The students got ridiculously dirty, and had a blast. There were 2 mud courts that saw non-stop action all day long. The weather leading up to this was perfect. We got tons of rain yesterday and today the sun ended up coming out.

Good times!!!!

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