Sunday, September 26, 2010

We've moved

Since we've been moving so much lately we decided to relocate our blog.

Luke has been working on some web design and wanted to have a family website. Please check us out at

Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Little Moments

I think it's the little moments that make up the sweetest parts of life. Not just the big grandiose moments that are so obvious, or even staged. The state of a child in their essence is timeless. I love these...

My evening

I have had the nicest evening. Fall weather is settling in here & it makes me so warm & fuzzy on the inside. My house is cleaner & we bake more, trying new recipes or making up our own. I am so inspired & on a role with some new craft projects. Previews to come shortly. It's so nice to have the time & the inspiration to try some new art projects-some of which have failed miserably & some that have been great successes (at least in my personal opinion!). Maybe even a few Christmas presents, who knows . I bought Jossi a new package of brightly colored beads & fuzzy sticks as she calls her pipe cleaners. It turns out I have quite the crafter on my hands. Every 4 beads she stops & shows me, saying "mom look at these great colors mom!" I have been told "not to argue" when I encourage her to keep adding beads & she says she's focusing on making a pile of beads. Hmmm...that sounds familiar, where have I heard that before? Oh yes, me! I've been hearing alot of me-isms repeated back to me lately. "That's not appropriate momma" "Can you say 'yes maam'?" & give me some "privacy" have been popping up in conversations lately. But she has been giving me positive feedback too-just to keep it balanced. "I'm so very proud of you momma" & "good work on dinner tonight" have been a few highlights. Miss you all-just thought I'd write a little blurb tonight.


Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sunday Dinner

Today was a dreary day in the valley. The rain drizzled down in slow motion all day. Hubby is on the road again for a few days. So I thought a post about home might be a nice daydream. I must've been having a hankering for some southern vittles on Sunday. We went to early church, since little man still hasn't adjusted to the time change & wakes up by 6am. We thought, might as well go to the early service since he's tired by 10:45. I decided to make fried chicken (which I've never done), mashed potatoes, grilled corn on the cob & gravy. YUM! It was amazing, I have to say. Of course Joss didn't touch it. But it didn't even bother me. She was missing out poor girl. Trip did pretty well-I was able to bribe him with "dessert" of sweet paonia peaches. It was altogether a lovely Sunday dinner. The first & only one I've ever attempted. I can't imagine cooking that way every day-it took me hours! The kids were out in no time, so I settled in on the couch, with a clean kitchen & a house smelling like home cooking. The dull roar of a football game eased me into a lazy Sunday nap. It was almost like being home again.


She's acting positive here, unaware of what's coming her way...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Trip's new hobby

For those who might need a little Trip...

This is my baby. Crazy hair, on a mission of childhood whim, chasing flies. Trip is like a whirlwind in our home. He runs everywhere his chubby feet take him, shouting names & baby jibberish as he goes. He is all boy, noises of crashing & growling; chugging through the house like my own personal little locomotive. People say he is all me, but he must be mostly Luke on the inside. He has no fear. He will climb anything, jump off of it & run back shouting "I do! I do!" Trip is such a free spirit, dancing to his own music with perfect rhythm. He inspires me to relax, live a little & enjoy every moment. Even the challenging ones!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Uncle Jake visits Camp Thorkildsen

Uncle Jake, who some time ago was renamed by Joss "Big Buzzard" came to visit last weekend. Joss & I baked a cake for his belated birthday. Then daddy & Joss decorated it. It was quite a sight. I know Jake loved it even more for it's uniqueness!

We had to check out the Black Canyon again-this time we took a 2 mile hike with the kids in tow. Every one was a trooper-Jake included. He even carried Trip the 2nd half of the hike when I couldn't last another step.

For some reason Joss insisted she carry her walking stick over her head. I'll never understand this girl!
I know you think this is a dinosaur egg-but it is not! It is a mushroom we found in the forest. And we all knowhow fascinated I am by flora, fauna & fungi!
I put my foot next to it so you could see how big it was. Cuge! As Jossi would say (that's a combination word for huge & cute that she uses often).
Boys will climb...

The pack mules

The man about to become a real man (Jake's getting married in less than 2 weeks!)

For the faint of heart or those who posses weak stomachs skip this one (mom that's you).
Trip fell asleep right at the end of the hike. He was pooped & Jake was a sweet uncle to put up with him!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

More of the House

Ok here is the rest of the house...

View from the front porch. That grassy area is where we play soccer & chase. It makes up a little for not having a grass yard. And we don't have to mow it!
What a model!

Jossi's castle
I don't have tiebacks yet for her curtain so i'm constantly stuffing them behind things to let more sunlight in.
Jossi's room is the same as it was in Denton. I wanted everything to be as familiar as possible when we came to Montrose so the kids could adjust quickly. I've been dying to decorate her room for some time now, but it will have to wait a while. Just 2 nights ago Joss informed us, in a wave of tears that she just needs a bigger bed. So yesterday, that was our project. She was pretty excited about it all & I let her help me take the screws out of her little bed & make the new bed. She went to bed last night with out one little complaint & slept all night. So hopefully it will last!
Her little bed turns into a headboard/footboard for a full size bed, but we were given everything for a twin, so we'll use it until we get a full matress & springs.
This is the view from the front room.
We took this bed out of the front room to put in Joss's room, so now it's a big empty place where we have family wrestling time.
The dining room where I have done nothing. I'm just grateful to finally have a beautiful table-thank you Emily & Jonathan! We eat family meals here & love it!
The guest bathroom...

Ok that's all for now. Trip's room will have to come next!

Friday, September 17, 2010

A Friend is coming by for coffee...

...Come on in! I'm so glad you came by-I know it's a long drive. The kids are asleep, this is great timing. I can't wait to show you the house & I'm so excited to catch up. Come into the kitchen & let's grab some coffee & sweets! Jossi & I bake a lot-so take your pick. She insists all muffins are better as mini-muffins. No, we didn't make the bread. It's chocolate zucchini from Great Harvest Bakery in town-it's our new favorite. Check out my cute new little owl friends. They are salt & pepper shakers from Pier One. 5 bucks! I love them.
This is the kitchen (Scentsy Scent of the room: Exotic Vanilla blended with Banana Nut Bread)...
Yes that is my stack of junk! You know me, I have piles of ideas & things to do sitting around every corner.

...and this is one of the dining rooms that we've designated the kids corner-not unpacked or organized yet! This is where we learn a new letter each day, have our snacks & just general daily mayhem goes on here. I have my eye on a great piece from Ikea with fun baskets to get this area under control.

This is the back porch...a great play area for the kids. They play out here in the late afternoons when I'm getting dinner on. They love working in their "rock garden."

Our room is back here...we love our view from bed. This room is so relaxing & fresh-it's a nice get-away for my quiet time or to read while the kids nap. (Scentsy Scent: Vanilla Suede)
I love the window over the bed. It lets in so much bright sunlight.View from our bedroom window

Here is our bathroom-Luke thinks this is his personal resort. ;)
I'm so glad you came for a visit. We have so much to catch up on...

Thursday, September 16, 2010

10 Things that are different in my life these days:

  1. We don't have cable TV! I know, it's sad. I've been having foodnetwork withdrawals for days now. And we don't watch a single TV show since we don't have Tevo.
  2. My hands & heels are cracked & peeling every day. Very annoying & painful!
  3. We only eat out once a week. (It helps that there's no Chic-Fil-A)
  4. We all eat breakfast together on the weekdays which has been a super fun way to start off our day.
  5. Both kids will now run around barefoot with out whining about it.
  6. We sleep with the back door open! (Don't have a panick attack grandma's. That's just how it is here. And the screen door is locked if that makes you feel better.)
  7. Luke runs a few times a week. I don't know what's come over him! Fresh mountain air makes a man wild.
  8. I have much more time on my hands (maybe it's the cable package that's missing in my life?)
  9. We eat sweet Olathe corn twice a week. Luke insists because he loves it so much. And it's so cheap!
  10. I try to avoid Walmart & Target at all cost. I'm loving all the small town, fresh-made options too much to succumb to the the super-stores. I do confess I had to go last night for dog food & toilet paper though. We get bread at the bakery; produce at the stand; wine at the vineyards. I know I probably could've done all this in Denton too, but it's so easy here bc it's so small. Maybe that's what kept me from living this way at home. It was all so spread out. Who knows. The downside to that is: ITS SO SMALL!!! OMG! The kids & I "ran to Grand Junction" to look at curtains. No way will I ever do that again! An hour & 20 minutes of desert drive. I was about to have a panic attack realizing how truly in the middle of no-where we are. That was an experience for sure. But hey, it was all worth it. Why you ask? Because the kids got to eat at Chic-Fil-A! And it was a good night. :)
Sorry I have no pics to post. Luke has been out of town for several days & I'm just too tired to snap shots when I'm with out my partner & helper. He'll be home in the next hour or so-whew! I hope you are all enjoying the blog & seeing what we are up to. It's been a really great outlet for me to stay connected to so many people. Love you all!


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Who do you love to bake with?

Jossi loves to bake. She asks me every day what we can bake today. We make birthday cakes for any one & everyone, cookies for daddy & muffins "for Trip" (we all know the truth about that one!). As much as I loathe mini-muffin tins & washing them when you don't have any little paper cups, I love Jossi's excitement over them even more. She definitely got a love of miniatures from me. I am obsessed with them & have been since I was little. So we started whipping up a yummy batch of muffins the other morning. She always hugs me while we are baking, grinning & tells me "momma, I love baking with you." It's really so precious. This time, of course since I had the video camera out, this is what she decides to say...

Troublesome Trip

I hear silence this morning & have the 2 usual thoughts that follow the recognition of silence: "I'm about to either be so pleasantly surprised at how good the kids are playing by themselves or find a disaster." So I come around the corner & peek in their Trip. (He's the one missing at the moment). But I do notice this:"That's weird, why is the soap on the very edge of the counter like that. The stool is hidden in the bath tub, so how did it get there???"

Oh, yes, a caterpillar has inched his way up the counter top-I have no idea how! And he is eating toothpaste. He must have been a hungry little caterpillar! (Notice in the mirror the Scentsy warmer positioned precariously behind his head-AND IT'S ON!)
Busted. See that grin? He was pretty proud. And saying "CHEEEEZE!"
I'm thinking this is how he made it up there. The toilet, the tp holder, the counter & then some how across the sink! I mean really! What am I supposed to do with this kid?!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Black Canyon

The Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Forest is turning out to be one of our favorite family outings. It is a gorgeous canyon area just outside of town with many great hikes & views. This was my first trip out & my mom's too. My dad & Luke had gone out on a hike the day before & returned insisting we all go back the next day. They were right! It was so spectacular. And the lighting was amazing since we went in the late after noontime.

For the nature lovers:
I don't know if you can tell by these shots, but the distance down to the river is about 1/2 a mile. (The river is barely visible in the very bottom of the valley-it's the white spots.)

Who's your daddy?
Mom pretending to be scared.
Family shot, amazing backdrop.

A Thorkildsen classic family photo-Joss being difficult & Trip in lala land.