Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What a Trip

This little guy is just a pleasure! He is so mellow & chill, like daddy. Here's a few pics.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Kel's return from Oz, or is it Aus?

Mom, Kelli & Trip (Trip is smiling for the cam)
Riley in his usual spot (on the couch)
Do you see the family resemblance?
Austin & Kel, feeling good! (15 weeks pregnant)
The boys in their usual spot...planning the next adventure (or fiasco, depending on who you ask)

Baby brown eyes

Kelli finally cam home from Australia! Yes, she does talk a little differently, but didn't entirely pick up the accent. She rushed straight from the airport to our house to meet her new nephew. She could hardly contain her excitement at seeing him for the first time & getting a big hug from Joss-who she said had grown so much in the month she was gone! Austin & Kel (aka "Kelly Goode") joined us of course for the reunion, we ate Carino's, heard some great stories about Kelli's adventures in a new land & stared at Trip until Kelli-sister couldn't keep her eyes open. She brought Trip the cutest onesie with a Kangaroo (or "skippie" as the locals say) on it & a little stocking cap & Joss a pink tee with all kindsof Aussie animals on it-thank Lollie, we missed you & you're never allowed to leave for that long again! (Sorry Grant!)

Update on Trip's weight

For those of you who didn't know, Trip has been having difficulty gaining weight. At his 2 week visit he was the same weight that he had been 8 days before at his last appt. This caused us some concern, so we brought him back to weigh again 3 days later, to find he hadn't gained even a tenth of an ounce. So Tom recommended that we start supplementing after every nursing with 1-2 ounces of formula. I hated to do this because I didn't want to mess up nursing & his schedule & my supply, but we didn't have much choice. So in 48 hours we went back to weigh again (this morning) & he had gained 6 ounces! I was so relieved. So we will continue supplementing for another few weeks & then he should even out & we can phase out of it & continue with just nursing. Whew-I guess he just has daddy's ridiculous metabolism!
Taking brother to the doc to weigh in.

Trip's photo session

Well Emily Thurmond has done a beautiful job capturing this moment in our lives. Click here to see Trip's session & be sure to also check out my maternity session. I can't wait to have these gorgeous photos all over my walls! Thanks Emily for your hard work & talent.

Friday, January 16, 2009

My birthday

Reading with her uncle/crush. (She has a crush on Riley, we don't call him "Uncle Crush").

Well I can truthfully say that 27 really feels old. Maybe it's more because I have 2 kids now. My birthday was great-these pics are at mom & dads where we did breakfast for lunch, one of my favorites. Then April made us dinner & a strawberry birthday cake. That cake made an excellent 4am nursing snack! Luke even taught Joss to say Happy Birthday-that was a moment I'll never forget! Oh & a got a chair massager from Luke & Joss which is so relaxing. Definately one of the best gifts I've gotten. I have more pics, but Luke stole the camera & my little hard drive today so they'll have to wait...

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Trip Henson

1st attempt at a family photo. Joss was not so into it. She was hungry which is way more important to a 17 month old than a new baby!
Our new little man just a few hours old.
Hanging out...he does this alot.
Just born, love at first sight.
I just love this picture.

Our new baby boy has finally arrived! (5 days late-he takes after momma already!) He was born January 5th at 2:35pm weighing in at 7lbs & 12 oz (3 oz lighter than Joss), and 19 & 3/4" (just under an inch shorter than Joss). He is beautiful & healthy-with blue eyes, at least for now. Maybe I'll get my blue eyed boy after all. He has a kind spirit ( I know this because he came quick & easily). He is quiet as can be & sleeps like a champion. Joss is quite the big sister, giving him his passy, patting (smacking) him on the head, telling us to "shhh" when he's sleeping & pointing out his eyes, ears & nose every chance she gets. She's such a character. She is adjusting really well.

I woke up Monday morning & just didn't feel very good. I had an appointment with Jenny so I dropped Joss off at mom's & went on over. Byt the time I was walking in to her office, I could hardly walk & breath at the same time. I went on in & laid down & Jenny knew right away I didn't feel well. After about 15 minutes she knew I was in labor, even if I was in denial. So she worked on me for about 45 minutes, at which point the contractions were about 5 minutes apart. She called her next appt tp cancel, but they were already there so I told her to work on them & I'd hang out & sit on the birthing ball & drink water & chill. Right, chill, in LABOR hello. I called the doc & filled them in & they instruced me to get to the Women's Center NOW. Sowe Jenny ended that appt & drove me over. We got there at noon, I was dilated to a 7, Luke got there at 12:15 & he was born at 2:35. Whew, it's over. I'm so greatful to everyone who played a crucial role in our big day, juggling Joss, taking pics, picking up food, keeping us company-it all made the day so easy to enjoy. It is a 3 way tie for the best days in our lives.

Cutes lil hunter ever!

So we got a big load of hand-me-downs from my dad's cousin (who's a horse trainer & has a little boy about Joss' age). The stuff was for our soon to arrive baby boy, but of course Luke intervened when he saw this hat. Funny thing is Joss loves it! When it come soff she'll bring it to you for assistance in putting it back on. Tomboy in the making.